Industrial System Engineering

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1. Program Educational Objectives

PEO1: Apply basic knowledge of mathematics and basic science to continue acquiring majors in education and learning at a higher level;

PEO2: Having basic and specialized knowledge to detect and solve problems related to design, operation and optimization of production systems;

PEO3: Have skills: individual working, professionally, communication, teamwork to work in an interdisciplinary, multicultural, multinational environment.

PEO4: Having knowledge of economy and politics; have basic knowledge in the fields of social sciences and humanities suitable to their majors in order to make effective contributions to the sustainable development of society and the community.

2. Student outcomes

SO1: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic science, engineering and technology to solve engineering system problems.

SO2: An ability to design and perform experiments on industrial systems, analyze, process data and synthesize results.

SO3: An ability to manufacturing Operations management, service and industrial systems design

SO4: An ability to modeling, simulation systems and industrial systems optimization.

SO5: An ability to productivity control, quality and continuous improvement to towards lean manufacturing

SO6: An Ability to select and use modern technical tools to evaluate and operate modern equipment and systems in manufacturing.

SO7: An Ability to communicate in writing, presentations and use images in both technical and non-technical environments. English level 3 according to the 6-level foreign languages

SO8: Professional work skills, recognition and performance of ethical and professional responsibilities.

SO9: An ability to perceive and need, motivation to engage in continuous professional development, lifelong learning

SO10: Ability to fully perceive politics, laws as well as contemporary issues

3. Program Enrollment and Degree Data

4. Course framework of industrial system engineering

Industrial system engineering course framework 16

Industrial system engineering course framework 15

Industrial system engineering course framework 14